Step 1: Content Creation
Step 2: Build a Community
Step 3: Build Relationships
Step 4: Offer Creation
For every 100 Leads that you get:
1/2% Will buy your product directly. They feel that your product is the best fit and exactly what they want.
30% Will never buy. Either you or your product isn't what they are looking for or they simply aren't looking for your product. Came across your product by accident.
The remaining 68% of the leads will need 7 to 10 exposures to your product before they actually buy.
This is where your Community is the most underrated secret weapon in your marketing Eco-System that most people completely ignore.
This is where Group Juice Comes in.
Step 1 Content Creation:
Learn The Types Of Content You Need To Be Creating To Facilitate Rapid Growth & Allow You To Attract More People that Want What You're Selling.
Learn how to create highly engaging short-form content that grabs the attention of your ideal clients on multiple platforms and causes them to take fast action by jumping into your group where the Sale happens.
The Types Of Long Form Content You Need To Be Creating To Take Complete Strangers To Pay Clients In The Shortest Amount Of Time. We break down a post that has made $1,000s and examples that's produced 6 figures.
Step 2 Build Your Community:
Structuring your business, creating your group hub, getting all of the traffic into your community & ecosystem covering the 30,000 ft overview so you can optimize to monetize.
All the Assets and Tools you need in your Group to turn complete strangers into Life Long Clients eager to get more of what you have.
Step 3 Build Relationships:
Gone are the days where you simply make a sale and move on.
Learn how to start, grow and nurture long-term relationships with people that will have them coming back for more over and over again.
Step 4 Offer Creation:
Learn offer Creation in the Masterclass With Flip Moss Revealing How To Craft Offers Of Your Own That'll Have Your Prospects Lining Up Ready To Buy